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Just In Few Steps Start Earning Money

Yes. Just In Few Steps Start Earning Money.

Every one in this world need some money some Luxuries like a car a bungalow a personal swimming pool, personal fridge and personal underwear, but the problem is how to get enough money by easy ways.
Well nothing is annoying enough if you know the success trick by your evil or genius mind as I m doing, Do you ever think why the hell am I writing this lengthy blog? Off-course there is a kind of purpose behind this and the Purpose is getting the money behind this Long chapter.
Again the same problem stands in front of us that how to earn while working at home?And the Trick Is simple enough that every one can Do it…

Join Adsense

Step 1:

First of all you need a personal website or free blog. If you don't have then signup for a personal web hosting by clicking below:

For Websites: Sign Up For FREE WEBSITE

For Blog : Sign Up For FREE BLOG

Step 2:

After making your website then signup for a free adsense program that is google.
but the thing is that what google is?? Google adsense is a program which takes some space in your website when you signup its experts review your site or blog then approve you and after approval place its ads in your website..
then in return they pay you, the earning is depend on the Click. but don't think that clicking on your website by your own or by intending or telling your friend to do this then simply you gona be banned because the one is paying you obviously is watching you. The Google team Has a very high security controlers for frauds.

Ads Placement

The very basic thing In adsense as being publisher (one who put google ads in his website or blog to earn money) is the ad placement of Google Ad in your website or blog.
Am here to tell you some basic and and very usefull tips 'n' tricks about these ads. This thing make you at the top or sink you at the very bottom, no matter how much your doing hardwork to upraise your internet earning.
Well you can take an example of big billboard and banners placing at the top of the building facing the buzy road, when we pass through this raod and saw the big billboards advertising some products, when we saw it, we notice that product and buy 1 for home purpose or depends upon the product same as correct placement of ad in our web site is must and when visitor noticed it, it clicks the ad.
Imagine your self as a visitor and visit your page and notice the very 1st place you see, according to me and my experience the visitor 1st look at the very top centre page then look left then search content So the best ad placement is:
CentreLeft partThen Body content
So by looking at this content we should place ads at these place, But the question arises here what type of ad should we place?and the answer is:
You should attract the visitors 1st sight, and for this sake Only image ads fullfill this criteria because images ads are really colorfull than simple text ads, So describing my experience here every one should place:
728by90 image-ad at the top centre, below your web banner and below your search box
160by60 text-ad at left top-rite after 728by90 banner ad, if u have a navigation bar at left then put after it like it do in few pages,
put 336by90 image/text ad in center or when your content ends.
i know you all have a question that why i put 200by200 image ad at the top instead of putting 728by90 image ad? Well 1st is if i put 728by90 over there then my page design will effect and bad effect made bad impression and second thing is that am still in a case study or in an experimenting process.. i weekly change my ad placement for better Clicks.


Earn Money from Google AdSense

Do You Want To get rid of Your Day Job?

I can realize it is very hard to bear your Boss who enjoy his life with his girl freind but insist you to work hard. so here is a solution.You Can Earn Money Easily By Making A blog or websites.And Placing Ads On it like this. Its All Very Easy But It needs a bit small time and your consideration. Its Just like a Part Time Job of one or half hour daily.If You can Write Something On a page then you can earn 100$ atleast a month easily. The Tutorials are Also In URDU LANGUAGE.

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